Final Workshop

Final Workshop


Session Theme Session
G1 Summary Opening
P1 Main Papers DPR of Loop Accelerators (IEEE  VLSI)
P2 k-means on FPGA via OpenCL (IEEE Access)
P3 An Overview on Binary Translation (ACM CSUR)
L1 Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Computing with the Versat Architecture (Electronics)
L2 A Full Featured Configurable Accelerator for Object Detection With YOLO
Discussion Break #1
P4 Technical Content #1 Binary Translation Framework (IEEE Micro, FPL2020, and DATE2020)
P5 Transparent CPU-FPGA Control Flow Transfer in HPC
P6 Dataflow Graph Analysis
P7 Memory Pattern Analysis
P8 CrispyHDL
Discussion Break #2
L4 Technical Content #2 Versat Architecture, J.Lopes, PhD candidate
L5 Versat Compiler, R. Teixeira, PhD candidate
L6 RNN on Versat, B. Joudat, PhD candidate
L7 IOb-SoC, P. Miranda, former MSc student, now engineer at IObundle

Session Slides

Session Presentations

G1. Summary

P1. DPR of Loop Accelerators (IEEE VLSI)

P2. k-means on FPGA via OpenCL (IEEE Access)

L1. Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Computing with the Versat Architecture (Electronics)

L2. A Full Featured Configurable Accelerator for Object Detection With YOLO

P4. Binary Translation Framework (IEEE Micro, FPL2020, and DATE2020)

P5. Transparent CPU-FPGA Control Flow Transfer in HPC

P6. Dataflow Graph Analysis

P7. Memory Pattern Analysis

P8. CrispyHDL

L4. Versat Architecture

L5. Versat Compiler

L6. RNN on Versat

L7. IOb-SoC